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Commission on Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People
- Exchange and disseminate information on the design of and production technologies for maps and graphics for blind and partially sighted people.
- Study and evaluate developing and appropriate technologies and resources for the improvement of maps and graphics for blind and visually-impaired people.
- Explore the potential value of maps and graphics designed for blind and visually-impaired people to other user groups (e.g. children and those with learning difficulties, Develop closer links with the World Blind Union and extend this co-operation to deaf, mentally retarded children and old people).
- Engage with the International Mobility Conference and other appropriate organizations in order to further world-wide co-operation, communication and education in the use of maps and graphics by blind and visually-impaired people.
- Integrate the workings of this commission more closely with other ICA commissions, in order to expand the topics and facilitate access to information for disabilities people.
Chair: Waldirene Ribeiro do Carmo
University of São Paulo
FFLCH - Department of Geography
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338
05588-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Phone: +55 11 3091-3737
Vice-Chair: Alejandra Coll Escanilla
Tactile Cartography Center of the UTEM
Dieciocho 414 Santiago Centro Chile
Phone: +56-2-27877362
Fax: +56-2-27877388

Executive Committee liaison: Andrés Arístegui
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