Waldirene Ribeiro do Carmo is a geographer graduated from University of São Paulo - Brazil. Obtained her Master of Science in the Physical Geography from the same university, with the dissertation entitled “School Tactile Cartography: Experiences with Teacher Training, Didactic Material Production and Map Use”.

Since 2002 he is invited researcher at the Centre for Tactile Cartography of Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM), Santiago de Chile, representing the Department of Geography, University of São Paulo - Brazil in international projects developed in partnership between UTEM, USP, Universidad del Litoral de Santa Fe-Argentina and Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Cusco – Peru, with financial support of international agencies such OAS (Organization of American States) and PAIGH (Pan American Institute of Geography and History).
Member of Technical Commission of Tactile Materials of Iberoamerican Counsel of Braille and she is collaborator of the research group of School Cartography of National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil).
Participated as faculty in courses and workshops of Tactile Mapping for teachers of Basic Education in Brazil (Campo Grande - MS, Curitiba - PR, Juiz de Fora - MG, Parintins - AM, San Luis - MA and São Paulo - capital and countryside) and abroad (Argentina, Chile and Mexico). Between 2010 and 2012, 12 workshops were held with a total of 1000 participants.
Presented several papers at national and international events. She have publications in Tactil Cartography too.
Waldirene Ribeiro do Carmo was born in São Paulo, Brazil on February 25, 1969, works at the Laboratory for Geography Education and Teaching Materials, Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of São Paulo - Brazil, since 1995 as researcher and responsible for project and activities. She is currently a graduate student (doctoral level) in that institution, under the guidance of Professor. Dr. Regina Araujo de Almeida.
SENA, Carla C. R. Gimenes de; CARMO, Waldirene Ribeiro do. Tactile Cartography and Geography Teaching: LEMADI's Contributions. In: L. Zentai; J. R. Nunez. (Org.). Maps for the Future. 1ed.: Springer, 2012, v. 5, p. 305-316.
ALMEIDA, Regina. A. de, CARMO, Waldirene. R. do e SENA, C. C. R. G. de. Técnicas de Cartografia Inclusiva. In: VENTURI, L. A. B. (org.). Geografia - Práticas de Campo, Laboratório e Sala de Aula. São Paulo: Editora Sarandi, 2011, p. 355-380.
CARMO, Waldirene R. do. Formação de Professores em Cartografia Tátil - questões teóricas e experiências práticas. In: Maria Isabel Castreghini de Freitas; Sílvia Elena Ventorini. (Org.). Cartografia Tátil: Orientação e Mobilidade às Pessoas com Deficiência Visual: Paco Editorial, Jundiaí – SP, 2011.
Address: Av.Lineu Prestes, 338 – Cidade Universitária – 05508 900 – São Paulo – SP – Brazil Phone/fax: 55 11 3091 3737, celular 55 11 99537 2112 e-mail: walcarmo@usp.br