Commission on Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People
Action Plan for 2019 - 2023
1.To disseminate information about Cartography Accessible to Disabled People to the ICA member nations through publications, joint meetings, seminars and websites;
2. To coordinate activities with Commissions of other international organizations in accordance with the interest of the aims and objectives of ICA.
3. To coordinate activities with other ICA Commissions, for the purpose of sharing experiences, adding to, adapting and building up the potential of geo-cartographic knowledge in the various forms of multi-sensory expression;
4.To continue the implementation of the ICA Third World Policy by providing experts for workshops in developing countries when requested about Cartography Accessible to Disabled People;
5. To encourage and support under-represented groups to take an active role in professional activities and/or associations at national and international level.
Chair: Waldirene Ribeiro do Carmo
University of São Paulo
FFLCH - Department of Geography
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338
05508-000 - São Paulo – SP - Brazil
Phone + 55 11 3091 3737
E-mail: walcarmo@usp.br

Vice-Chair: Alejandra Coll Escanilla
Tactile Cartography Center of the UTEM
Dieciocho, 414
Santiago - Centro - Chile
Phone: +56-2-27877362
Fax: +56-2-27877388
E-mail: acollescanilla@gmail.com

Executive Committee liaison: Andrés Arístegui